Our Tax team is known for providing holistic tax solutions in various areas of taxation while doing business n and with India, through advisory, litigation, and compliance support. Every practice, be it Exercise, Customs, Service Tax, Income Tax, VAT, is handled by dedicated team of domain experts. Our Tax team is equipped to address the following pertaining to Direct and Indirect Taxation:

  • Direct Taxation & Indirect Taxation
  • Auditing Services (such as statutory audit, management audit, internal & concurrent audit, special audit U/S 142 (2A) of IT Act, etc.)
  • Taxation Services (such as planning & compliances, direct tax – corporate, transfer pricing, service tax, Appearance before Authorities at higher level, etc.)
  • Financial Services (such as business and share valuations, Financial and tax Due Diligence, Background Due Diligence, etc.)
  • Advisory & Liasoning Services (such as Review of Systems and procedures, Forensic Auditing)
  • Goods & Service Tax (GST)